
smelli.classes module

import flavio
from wilson import Wilson, wcxf
from flavio.statistics.likelihood import Likelihood, FastLikelihood
from flavio.statistics.probability import NormalDistribution
from flavio.statistics.functions import pull, pvalue
import warnings
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
from math import ceil
from .util import tree, get_datapath, multithreading_map
from .ckm import get_ckm_schemes
from multipledispatch import dispatch
from copy import copy
import os
from functools import partial
from operator import itemgetter
from numbers import Number
import inspect
from flavio.math.optimize import minimize_robust
from smelli import _flavio_up_to_date
from itertools import chain

# by default, smelli uses leading log accuracy for SMEFT running!
Wilson.set_default_option('smeft_accuracy', 'leadinglog')

class GlobalLikelihood(object):
    """Class that provides a global likelihood in SMEFT Wilson
    coefficient space.

    User methods:

    - `log_likelihood`: return an instance of LieklihoodResult
    given a dictionary of Wilson coefficients at a given scale
    - `log_likelihood_wcxf`: return an instance of LieklihoodResult
    given the path to a WCxf file
    - `log_likelihood_wilson`: return an instance of LieklihoodResult+
    given an instance of `wilson.Wilson`

    Utility methods:

    - `make_measurement`: compute the SM covariances. Note that it is only
    necessary to call this method when changes to the default
    parameters/uncertainties have been made
    - `save_sm_covariances`, `load_sm_covariances`: Save the calculated SM
    covariances or load them from data files
    - `save_exp_covariances`, `load_exp_covariances`: Save the calculated
    experimental central values and covariances or load them from data files


    _default_bases = {'SMEFT': 'Warsaw', 'WET': 'flavio'}

    _fast_likelihoods_yaml_fixckm = [

    _fast_likelihoods_yaml = [

    _likelihoods_yaml = [

    def __init__(self, eft='SMEFT', basis=None,
        """Initialize the likelihood.

        Optionally, a dictionary of parameters can be passed as `par_dict`.
        If not given (or not complete), flavio default parameter values will
        be used. Note that the CKM elements in `par_dict` will be ignored as
        the "true" CKM elements will be extracted for each parameter point
        from the measurement of four input observables:
        - `'RKpi(P+->munu)'`
        - `'BR(B+->taunu)'`
        - `'BR(B->Xcenu)'`
        - `'DeltaM_d/DeltaM_s'`


        - eft: a WCxf EFT, must be one of 'SMEFT' (default) or 'WET'.
        - basis: a WCxf basis, defaults to 'Warsaw' for SMEFT and 'flavio'
          for WET.
        - include_likelihoods: a list of strings specifying the likelihoods
          to be included (default: all of them). Note that this cannot be used
          to add likelihoods.
        - exclude_likelihoods: a list of strings specifying the likelihoods
          to be excluded (default: none of them).
        - Nexp: number of random evaluations of the experimental likelihood
          used to extract the covariance matrix for "fast likelihood"
          instances. Defaults to 5000.
        - exp_cov_folder: directory containing saved expererimental
          covariances. The data files have to be in the format exported by
        - sm_cov_folder: directory containing saved SM
          covariances. The data files have to be in the format exported by
        - custom_likelihoods: a dictionary in which each value is a list of
          observables and each key is a string that serves as user-defined
          name. For each item of the dictionary, a custom likelihood will be
        - fix_ckm: If False (default), automatically determine the CKM elements
          in the presence of new physics in processes used to determine these
          elements in the SM. If set to True, the CKM elements are fixed to
          their SM values, which can lead to inconsistent results, but also
          to a significant speedup in specific cases.
        - ckm_scheme: A string with the name of the class defining the CKM
        self.eft = eft
        self.basis = basis or self._default_bases[self.eft]
        par_dict = par_dict or {}  # initialize empty if not given
        # take missing parameters from flavio defaults
        self.par_dict_default = flavio.default_parameters.get_central_all()
        self._par_dict_sm = None
        self._observables = None
        self.fix_ckm = fix_ckm
        if self.fix_ckm:
            self._fast_likelihoods_yaml = self._fast_likelihoods_yaml_fixckm
            self._ckm_scheme = get_ckm_schemes()[ckm_scheme]
            self._ckm_scheme_name = ckm_scheme
            raise ValueError("CKM scheme '{}' is not defined.".format(ckm_scheme))
        self.likelihoods = {}
        self.fast_likelihoods = {}
        self._custom_likelihoods_dict = custom_likelihoods or {}
        self.custom_likelihoods = {}
        self._all_likelihoods = {
            'global': _global_llh(self),
        self._Nexp = Nexp
        if exp_cov_folder is not None:
        self._sm_cov_loaded = False
            if sm_cov_folder is None:
                self.load_sm_covariances(get_datapath('smelli', 'data/cache'))
            self._sm_cov_loaded = True
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
            warnings.warn("There was a problem loading the SM covariances. "
                          "Please recompute them with `make_measurement`.")
        self._log_likelihood_sm = None
        self._obstable_sm = None

    def _load_likelihoods(self,
        if include_likelihoods is not None and exclude_likelihoods is not None:
            raise ValueError("include_likelihoods and exclude_likelihoods "
                             "should not be specified simultaneously.")
        for argument_name, argument in [('exclude_likelihoods', exclude_likelihoods), ('include_likelihoods',include_likelihoods)]:
            if argument:
                unknown_likelihoods = set(argument) - set(self._fast_likelihoods_yaml + self._likelihoods_yaml)
                if unknown_likelihoods:
                    raise ValueError("{} contains unknown likelihoods: {}".format(argument_name,unknown_likelihoods))
        # load ckm parameters for given CKM scheme
        par_ckm_file = 'par_ckm_{}.yaml'.format(self._ckm_scheme_name)
        with open(self._get_yaml_path(par_ckm_file), 'r') as f:
            par_ckm_dict =
        for fn in self._fast_likelihoods_yaml:
            if include_likelihoods is not None and fn not in include_likelihoods:
            if exclude_likelihoods is not None and fn in exclude_likelihoods:
            with open(self._get_yaml_path(fn), 'r') as f:
                yaml_dict =
                if not self.fix_ckm:
                    yaml_dict['par_obj'] = par_ckm_dict
                    L = FastLikelihood.load_dict(yaml_dict)
                    meas_yaml = set(yaml_dict['include_measurements'])
                    meas_loaded = set(L.full_measurement_likelihood.get_measurements)
                    meas_missing = meas_yaml-meas_loaded
                except AssertionError as e:
                    to_upgrade = 'smelli' if _flavio_up_to_date else 'flavio'
                    raise AssertionError('{}. Please upgrade {} to the latest version.'.format(e,to_upgrade))
                if meas_missing:
                    to_upgrade = 'smelli' if _flavio_up_to_date else 'flavio'
                    raise AssertionError('The measurements {} have not been found. Please upgrade {} to the latest version.'.format(meas_missing,to_upgrade))
            self.fast_likelihoods[fn] = L
        for fn in self._likelihoods_yaml:
            if include_likelihoods is not None and fn not in include_likelihoods:
            if exclude_likelihoods is not None and fn in exclude_likelihoods:
            if self.eft != 'SMEFT' and fn in ['likelihood_ewpt.yaml',
            with open(self._get_yaml_path(fn), 'r') as f:
                yaml_dict =
                    L = Likelihood.load_dict(yaml_dict)
                    meas_yaml = set(yaml_dict['include_measurements'])
                    meas_loaded = set(L.measurement_likelihood.get_measurements)
                    meas_missing = meas_yaml-meas_loaded
                except AssertionError as e:
                    to_upgrade = 'smelli' if _flavio_up_to_date else 'flavio'
                    raise AssertionError('{}. Please upgrade {} to the latest version.'.format(e,to_upgrade))
                if meas_missing:
                    to_upgrade = 'smelli' if _flavio_up_to_date else 'flavio'
                    raise AssertionError('The measurements {} have not been found. Please upgrade {} to the latest version.'.format(meas_missing,to_upgrade))
            self.likelihoods[fn] = L
        for name, observables in self._custom_likelihoods_dict.items():
            L = CustomLikelihood(self, observables)
            self.custom_likelihoods['custom_' + name] = L

    def _get_yaml_path(self, name):
        """Return a path for the YAML file specified by `name`.
        If a YAML file with that name is found in the package's data
        directory, that is used. Otherwise, `name` is assumed to be a path.

        Raises `FileNotFoundError` if path does not exists.
        path = get_datapath('smelli', 'data/yaml/' + name)
        if os.path.exists(path):
            return path
        path = get_datapath('smelli', 'data/yaml/' + name + '.yaml')
        if os.path.exists(path):
            return path
        if os.path.exists(name):
            return name
        if os.path.exists(name + '.yaml'):
            return name + '.yaml'
            raise FileNotFoundError("Likelihood YAML file '{}' was not found".format(name))

    def make_measurement(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Initialize the likelihood by producing a pseudo-measurement containing both
        experimental uncertainties as well as theory uncertainties stemming
        from nuisance parameters.

        Optional parameters:

        - `N`: number of random computations for the SM covariance (computing
          time is proportional to it; more means less random fluctuations.)
        - `Nexp`: number of random computations for the experimental covariance.
          This is much less expensive than the theory covariance, so a large
          number can be afforded (default: 5000).
        - `threads`: number of parallel threads for the SM
          covariance computation. Defaults to 1 (no parallelization).
        - `force`: if True, will recompute SM covariance even if it
          already has been computed. Defaults to False.
        - `force_exp`: if True, will recompute experimental central values and
          covariance even if they have already been computed. Defaults to False.
        if 'Nexp' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['Nexp'] = self._Nexp
        for name, flh in self.fast_likelihoods.items():
            flh.make_measurement(*args, **kwargs)
        self._sm_cov_loaded = True

    def save_sm_covariances(self, folder):
        for name, flh in self.fast_likelihoods.items():
            if self.fix_ckm:
                name = name + '_fix_ckm'
                name = name + '_' + self._ckm_scheme_name
            filename = os.path.join(folder, name + '.p')

    def load_sm_covariances(self, folder):
        for name, flh in self.fast_likelihoods.items():
            if self.fix_ckm:
                name = name + '_fix_ckm'
                name = name + '_' + self._ckm_scheme_name
            filename = os.path.join(folder, name + '.p')

    def save_exp_covariances(self, folder):
        for name, flh in self.fast_likelihoods.items():
            filename = os.path.join(folder, name + '.p')

    def load_exp_covariances(self, folder):
        for name, flh in self.fast_likelihoods.items():
            filename = os.path.join(folder, name + '.p')

    def observables(self):
        if self._observables is None:
            self._observables = set.union(*(
                set(lh.observables) for lh in chain(
        return self._observables

    def log_likelihood_sm(self):
        if self._log_likelihood_sm is None:
            self._log_likelihood_sm = self._log_likelihood(self.par_dict_sm, flavio.WilsonCoefficients())
        return self._log_likelihood_sm

    def _check_sm_cov_loaded(self):
        """Check if the SM covariances have been computed or loaded."""
        if not self._sm_cov_loaded:
            raise ValueError("Please load or compute the SM covariances first"
                             " by calling `make_measurement`.")

    def get_ckm_sm(self):
        Vus, Vcb, Vub, delta = self._ckm_scheme.ckm_np(w=None)
        return {'Vus': Vus, 'Vcb': Vcb, 'Vub': Vub, 'delta': delta}

    def par_dict_sm(self):
        """Return the dictionary of parameters where the four CKM parameters
        `Vus`, `Vcb`, `Vub`, `delta` have been replaced by their
        "true" values extracted assuming the SM.
        They should be almost (but not exactly) equal to the default
        flavio CKM parameters.

        Note that if `fix_ckm` is set to `True`, this method actually
        returns the default parameter values.
        if self.fix_ckm:
            return self.par_dict_default
        if self._par_dict_sm is None:
            par_dict_sm = self.par_dict_default.copy()
            self._par_dict_sm = par_dict_sm
        return self._par_dict_sm

    def obstable_sm(self):
        if self._obstable_sm is None:
            info = tree()  # nested dict
            for flh_name, flh in self.fast_likelihoods.items():
                # loop over fast likelihoods: they only have a single "measurement"
                m = flh.pseudo_measurement
                ml = flh.full_measurement_likelihood
                pred_sm = ml.get_predictions_par(self.par_dict_sm,
                sm_cov = flh.sm_covariance.get(force=False)
                _, exp_cov = flh.exp_covariance.get(force=False)
                inspire_dict = self._get_inspire_dict(flh.observables, ml)
                for i, obs in enumerate(flh.observables):
                    info[obs]['lh_name'] = flh_name
                    info[obs]['name'] = obs if isinstance(obs, str) else obs[0]
                    info[obs]['th. unc.'] = np.sqrt(sm_cov[i, i])
                    info[obs]['experiment'] = m.get_central(obs)
                    info[obs]['exp. unc.'] = np.sqrt(exp_cov[i, i])
                    info[obs]['exp. PDF'] = NormalDistribution(m.get_central(obs), np.sqrt(exp_cov[i, i]))
                    info[obs]['inspire'] = sorted(set(inspire_dict[obs]))
                    info[obs]['ll_sm'] = m.get_logprobability_single(obs, pred_sm[obs])
                    info[obs]['ll_central'] = m.get_logprobability_single(obs, m.get_central(obs))
            for lh_name, lh in self.likelihoods.items():
                # loop over "normal" likelihoods
                ml = lh.measurement_likelihood
                pred_sm = ml.get_predictions_par(self.par_dict_sm,
                inspire_dict = self._get_inspire_dict(lh.observables, ml)
                for i, obs in enumerate(lh.observables):
                    obs_dict = flavio.Observable.argument_format(obs, 'dict')
                    obs_name = obs_dict.pop('name')
                    with warnings.catch_warnings():
                        p_comb = flavio.combine_measurements(
                    info[obs]['experiment'] = p_comb.central_value
                    info[obs]['exp. unc.'] = max(p_comb.error_left, p_comb.error_right)
                    info[obs]['exp. PDF'] = p_comb
                    info[obs]['inspire'] = sorted(set(inspire_dict[obs]))
                    info[obs]['th. unc.'] = 0
                    info[obs]['lh_name'] = lh_name
                    info[obs]['name'] = obs if isinstance(obs, str) else obs[0]
                    info[obs]['ll_sm'] = p_comb.logpdf([pred_sm[obs]])
                    if info[obs]['ll_sm'] == -np.inf:
                        info[obs]['ll_sm'] = -1e100
                    info[obs]['ll_central'] = p_comb.logpdf([p_comb.central_value])
            self._obstable_sm = info
        return self._obstable_sm

    def get_wilson(self, wc_dict, scale):
        return Wilson(wc_dict, scale=scale, eft=self.eft, basis=self.basis)

    def _log_likelihood(self, par_dict, w):
        """Return the log-likelihood as a dictionary for an instance of
        ll = {}
        for name, flh in self.fast_likelihoods.items():
            ll[name] = flh.log_likelihood(par_dict, w, delta=True)
        for name, lh in self.likelihoods.items():
            ll[name] = lh.log_likelihood(par_dict, w, delta=True)
        for name, clh in self.custom_likelihoods.items():
            ll[name] = clh.log_likelihood(par_dict, w, delta=True)
        return ll

    def parameter_point(self, wc_dict, scale=None):
        """Choose a point in parameter space by providing a dictionary of
        Wilson coefficient values (with keys corresponding to WCxf Wilson
        coefficient names) and the input scale."""
        if not scale:
            raise ValueError("You need to provide a scale")
        w = self.get_wilson(wc_dict, scale)
        return GlobalLikelihoodPoint(self, w, fix_ckm=self.fix_ckm)

    @dispatch(dict, (int, float))
    def parameter_point(self, wc_dict, scale):
        """Choose a point in parameter space by providing a dictionary of
        Wilson coefficient values (with keys corresponding to WCxf Wilson
        coefficient names) and the input scale."""
        w = self.get_wilson(wc_dict, scale)
        return GlobalLikelihoodPoint(self, w, fix_ckm=self.fix_ckm)

    def parameter_point(self, filename):
        """Choose a point in parameter space by providing the path to a WCxf
        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            wc = wcxf.WC.load(f)
        w = Wilson.from_wc(wc)
        return GlobalLikelihoodPoint(self, w, fix_ckm=self.fix_ckm)

    def parameter_point(self, w):
        """Choose a point in parameter space by providing an instance
        of `wilson.Wilson`."""
        return GlobalLikelihoodPoint(self, w, fix_ckm=self.fix_ckm)

    def _get_inspire_dict(observables, ml):
        inspire_dict = {}
        obs_set = set(observables)
        for m_name in ml.get_measurements:
            m_obj = flavio.Measurement[m_name]
            for obs in set(m_obj.all_parameters) & obs_set:
                if obs in inspire_dict:
        return inspire_dict

    def number_observations_dict(self, exclude_observables=None):
        """Get a dictionary of the number of "observations" for each

        Here, an "observation" is defined as an individual measurment
        of an observable. Thus, the number of observations is always
        >= the number of observables.
        nobs_dict = {}
        for name, flh in self.fast_likelihoods.items():
            nobs_dict[name] = len(set(flh.observables) - set(exclude_observables or []))
        for name, lh in self.likelihoods.items():
            ml =  lh.measurement_likelihood
            nobs_dict[name] = ml.get_number_observations(
        for name, clh in self.custom_likelihoods.items():
            nobs_dict[name] = clh.get_number_observations()
        nobs_dict['global'] = sum([v for k, v in nobs_dict.items() if 'custom_' not in k])
        return nobs_dict

    def plot_data_2d(self,
                     x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max,
                     x_log=False, y_log=False,
        """Compute the likelihood on a grid of two non-zero Wilson coefficients.

        This method is meant for producing contour plots with `flavio.plots`
        and `matplotlib` in the plane of two Wilson coefficients.


        - `wc_fct`: function with two arguments x and y returning a dictionary
                    with Wilson coefficients
        - `scale`: either a function with two arguments x and y returning the
                   renormalization scale in GeV, or a numerical value fixing the
        - `x_min`: minimum value of Wilson coefficient on x axis
        - `x_max`: maximum value of Wilson coefficient on x axis
        - `y_min`: minimum value of Wilson coefficient on y axis
        - `y_max`: maximum value of Wilson coefficient on y axis
        - `x_log`: boolean specifying whether logspace should be used for x
                   values (default: False)
        - `y_log`: boolean specifying whether logspace should be used for y
                   values (default: False)
        - `steps`: number of steps in each direction. The computing time scales
                   with the square of this number. (default: 20)
        - `threads`: number of threads for parallel computation (default: 1)
        - `pool`: either `None` or `pool` object for parallel computation. If
                  `pool` object is provided, `threads` is ignored.
                  (default: None)


        A dictionary of the  form
        `{'likelihood_A': dat_A, 'likelihood_B': dat_B, ...}`
        where `'likelihood_A'` etc. are the names of the sub- and custom
        likelihoods (as return by `GlobalLikelihoodPoint.log_likelihood_dict`)
        and `dat_A` etc. are dictionaries with the keys `x`, `y`, `z`, that
        can be directly fed to the `flavio.plots.contour` plot function.
        if x_log:
            _x = np.logspace(x_min, x_max, steps)
            _x = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, steps)
        if y_log:
            _y = np.logspace(y_min, y_max, steps)
            _y = np.linspace(y_min, y_max, steps)
        x, y = np.meshgrid(_x, _y)
        xy = np.array([x, y]).reshape(2, steps**2).T
        xy_enumerated = list(enumerate(xy))
        if isinstance(scale,Number):
            scale_fct = partial(_scale_fct_fixed, scale=scale)
            scale_fct = scale
        ll = partial(_log_likelihood_2d, gl=self, wc_fct=wc_fct, scale_fct=scale_fct)
        ll_dict_list_enumerated = multithreading_map(ll, xy_enumerated,
            threads=threads, pool=pool)
        ll_dict_list = [
            ll_dict[1] for ll_dict in
            sorted(ll_dict_list_enumerated, key=itemgetter(0))
        plotdata = {}
        keys = ll_dict_list[0].keys()  # look at first dict to fix keys
        for k in keys:
            z = -2 * np.array([ll_dict[k] for ll_dict in ll_dict_list]).reshape((steps, steps))
            plotdata[k] = {'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z}
        return plotdata

    def chi2_min(self,
                 methods = ('SLSQP', 'MIGRAD', 'L-BFGS-B'),
        """Find the minimum of -2*log-likelihood for a given function of Wilson
           coefficients and a scale.


        - `wc_fct`: function with either n>=1 arguments or one argument being
          an array of length n>1 and which returns a dictionary with Wilson
        - `scale`: either a function returning the renormalization scale in GeV,
          or a numerical value fixing the scale. If it is a function, it must
          have either n>=1 arguments or one argument being an array of length
        - methods: tuple of methods to try consecutively. (default:
          `('SLSQP', 'MIGRAD', 'L-BFGS-B')`)
        - include_likelihoods: a list of strings specifying the likelihoods
          to be included (default: all of them).
        - exclude_likelihoods: a list of strings specifying the likelihoods to
          be excluded (default: none of them).
        - `plotdata`: the result of `plot_data_2d` that will be used for
          extracting the initial guesses for the minimization in the 2D case
          (default: None)
        - `initial_guesses`: a dictionary with initial guesses for the
          minimization. The keys are strings with the names of the individual
          likelihoods, the values are arrays (or lists) of length n. This
          overrides initial guesses extracted from `plotdata` (default: None)
        - `n`: number of variables. Has to be provided only if `wc_fct` has a
           single argument (an array of length n) and neither `plotdata` nor
          `initial_guesses` is given. (default: None)
        - `threads`: number of threads for parallel computation (default: 1)
        - `pool`: either `None` or `pool` object for parallel computation. If
          `pool` object is provided, `threads` is ignored. (default: None)


        A dictionary of the  form
        `{'likelihood_A': dat_A, 'likelihood_B': dat_B, ...}`
        where `'likelihood_A'` etc. are the names of the sub- and custom
        likelihoods (as return by `GlobalLikelihoodPoint.log_likelihood_dict`)
        and `dat_A` etc. are dictionaries with the keys `z_min`, `coords_min`,
        where the values of `z_min` and `coords_min` are a number and an array
        of length n, respectively.
        if include_likelihoods is not None and exclude_likelihoods is not None:
            raise ValueError("include_likelihoods and exclude_likelihoods "
                             "should not be specified simultaneously.")
        if isinstance(scale,Number):
            scale_fct = partial(_scale_fct_fixed, scale=scale)
            scale_fct = scale
        likelihoods = {
            k for k in self._all_likelihoods.keys()
            if ((include_likelihoods is None and exclude_likelihoods is None)
            or (include_likelihoods is not None and k in include_likelihoods)
            or (exclude_likelihoods is not None and k not in exclude_likelihoods))
        n_fct = len(inspect.getfullargspec(wc_fct).args)
        if plotdata is not None:
            n_args = 2
            if n is not None:
                warnings.warn(f"Since `plotdata` is provided, `n={n}` "
                              " is ignored.")
            _initial_guesses = {k: np.zeros(n_args) for k in likelihoods}
            for k in _initial_guesses.keys():
                x,y,z = (plotdata[k][i] for i in 'xyz')
                minimum = (z == np.min(z))
                _initial_guesses[k] = [np.median(x[minimum]), np.median(y[minimum])]
            if initial_guesses is not None:
        elif initial_guesses is not None:
            if n is not None:
                warnings.warn(f"Since `initial_guesses` is provided, `n={n}` "
                              " is ignored.")
            n_args = len(next(iter(initial_guesses.values())))
            _initial_guesses = {k: np.zeros(n_args) for k in likelihoods}
        elif n_fct > 1:
            n_args = n_fct
            if n is not None:
                warnings.warn(f"Since `wc_fct` has {n_fct} arguments, `n={n}` "
                              " is ignored.")
            _initial_guesses = {k: np.zeros(n_args) for k in likelihoods}
        elif n is not None:
            n_args = n
            _initial_guesses = {k: np.zeros(n_args) for k in likelihoods}
            raise ValueError(
                'The number of variables `n` has to be provided as an argument '
                'if `wc_fct` has a single argument (which can be an array of '
                'length n) and neither `plotdata` nor `initial_guesses` is '
        _initial_guesses = list(_initial_guesses.items())

        array_input = n_args != n_fct
        best_fit_point = partial(
        bf_list = multithreading_map(best_fit_point, _initial_guesses,
            threads=threads, pool=pool)
        bf_dict = dict(list(bf_list))
        return bf_dict

def _scale_fct_fixed(*args, scale=0):
    This is a helper function that is necessary because multiprocessing requires
    a picklable (i.e. top-level) object for parallel computation.
    return scale

def _log_likelihood_2d(xy_enumerated, gl, wc_fct, scale_fct):
    """Compute the likelihood on a 2D grid of 2 Wilson coefficients.

    This function is necessary because multiprocessing requires a picklable
    (i.e. top-level) object for parallel computation.
    number, (x, y) = xy_enumerated
    pp = gl.parameter_point(wc_fct(x, y), scale_fct(x, y))
    ll_dict = pp.log_likelihood_dict()
    return (number, ll_dict)

def _best_fit_point(initial_guess, gl, wc_fct, scale_fct, array_input, methods):
    llh_name, x0 = initial_guess
    llh = (gl.fast_likelihoods.get(llh_name)
           or gl.likelihoods.get(llh_name)
           or gl.custom_likelihoods.get(llh_name)
           or (_global_llh(gl) if llh_name == 'global' else None))
    llh_sm = (0 if llh_name == 'global' else gl.log_likelihood_sm[llh_name])
    if array_input:
        def chi2(x):
            w = gl.get_wilson(wc_fct(x), scale_fct(x))
            gp = gl.parameter_point(w)
                res = -2*(llh.log_likelihood(gp.par_dict_np, w, delta=True)-llh_sm)
            except ValueError as e:
                if (
                    'The extraction of CKM elements failed.' in str(e)
                    'math domain error' in str(e)
                    res = np.inf
            return res
        def chi2(x):
            w = gl.get_wilson(wc_fct(*x), scale_fct(*x))
            gp = gl.parameter_point(w)
                res = -2*(llh.log_likelihood(gp.par_dict_np, w, delta=True)-llh_sm)
            except ValueError as e:
                if (
                    'The extraction of CKM elements failed.' in str(e)
                    'math domain error' in str(e)
                    res = np.inf
            return res
        res = minimize_robust(chi2, x0, methods=methods)
        if not res.success:
            x = [np.nan]*len(x0)
            z = np.nan
            warnings.warn("Optimization failed during computation of best-fit point of {}: {}"
            ''.format(llh_name, res.message))
            x = res.x
            z =
    except Exception as e:
        x = [np.nan]*len(x0)
        z = np.nan
        warnings.warn('\nERROR during computation of best-fit point of {}:\n{}'
    return (llh_name, {'coords_min':np.array(x), 'z_min':z})

class _global_llh(object):
    def __init__(self, gl): = gl
    def log_likelihood(self, par_dict, w, delta):
        gp =
        return gp.log_likelihood_global()

class CustomLikelihood(object):
    def __init__(self, likelihood, observables):
        if set(observables) - likelihood.observables:
            raise ValueError(
                'The following observables are not part of any included '
                '(fast)likelihood and thus cannot be used in a custom '
                'likelihood: {}.'.format(', '.join(
                    str(obs) for obs
                    in set(observables) - likelihood.observables
        self.likelihood = likelihood
        self.observables = set(observables)
        self.exclude_obs = self._get_exclude_obs_dict()

    def _get_exclude_obs_dict(self):
        """Get a dictionary with observables to be excluded from each
        (Fast)Likelihood instance."""
        exclude_obs = {}
        for lhs_or_flhs in (self.likelihood.likelihoods,
            for lh_name, lh in lhs_or_flhs.items():
                exclude_observables = set(lh.observables) - self.observables
                if set(lh.observables) != exclude_observables:
                    exclude_obs[lh_name] = exclude_observables
        return exclude_obs

    def log_likelihood(self, par_dict, wc_obj, delta=False):
        custom_log_likelihood = 0
        for lh_name, exclude_observables in self.exclude_obs.items():
            lh = (self.likelihood.fast_likelihoods.get(lh_name)
                  or self.likelihood.likelihoods.get(lh_name))
            custom_log_likelihood += lh.log_likelihood(
                par_dict, wc_obj, delta=delta,
        return custom_log_likelihood

    def get_number_observations(self):
        """Get the number of observations, defined as individual measurements
        of observables."""
        nobs = 0
        for llh_name, exclude_observables in self.exclude_obs.items():
            if llh_name in self.likelihood.fast_likelihoods:
                flh = self.likelihood.fast_likelihoods[llh_name]
                nobs += len(set(flh.observables) - set(exclude_observables or []))
                lh = self.likelihood.likelihoods[llh_name]
                ml =  lh.measurement_likelihood
                nobs += ml.get_number_observations(
        return nobs

class GlobalLikelihoodPoint(object):
    """Class representing the properties of the likelihood function at a
    specific point in parameter space.


    - `log_likelihood_dict`: dictionary with individual contributions
    to the log-likelihood
    - `value`: Return the numerical values of the global log-likelihood
    compared to the SM value (can also be acessed with `float(self)`)


    - `get_obstable`: return a pandas data frame with the values and pulls
    for each individual observable, given the Wilson coefficients

    def __init__(self, likelihood, w,
        """Initialize the `GlobalLikelihoodPoint` instance.

        - likelihood: an instance of `GlobalLikelihood`
        - w: an instance of `wilson.Wilson`
        - fix_ckm: If False (default), automatically determine the CKM elements
          in the presence of new physics in processes used to determine these
          elements in the SM. If set to True, the CKM elements are fixed to
          their SM values, which can lead to inconsistent results, but also
          to a significant speedup in specific cases.
        self.likelihood = likelihood
        self.w_input = w
        self.fix_ckm = fix_ckm
        self._w = None
        self._obstable_tree_cache = None
        self._log_likelihood_dict = None
        self._par_dict_np = None

    def w(self):
        if self._w is None:
            w = self.w_input
            opt = w.get_option('parameters')
            par = self.par_dict_np
            for p in ['Vus', 'Vcb', 'Vub', 'delta']:
                opt[p] = par[p]
            w.set_option('parameters', opt)
            self._w = w
        return self._w

    def get_ckm_np(self):
        """return the values of the four "true" CKM parameters
        `Vus`, `Vcb`, `Vub`, `delta`, extracted from the four input observables
        for this parameter point in Wilson coefficient space."""
        scheme = self.likelihood._ckm_scheme
            Vus, Vcb, Vub, delta = scheme.ckm_np(self.w_input)
        except ValueError:
            # this happens mostly when the formulas result in |cos(delta)| > 1
            raise ValueError("The extraction of CKM elements failed. Too large NP effects?")
        return {'Vus': Vus, 'Vcb': Vcb, 'Vub': Vub, 'delta': delta}

    def par_dict_np(self):
        """Return the dictionary of parameters where the four CKM parameters
        `Vus`, `Vcb`, `Vub`, `delta` have been replaced by their
        "true" values as extracted from the four input observables.

        Note that if `fix_ckm` is set to `True`, this method actually
        returns the SM values."""
        if self.fix_ckm:
            return self.likelihood.par_dict_sm
        if self._par_dict_np is None:
            par_dict_np = self.likelihood.par_dict_default.copy()
            self._par_dict_np = par_dict_np
        return self._par_dict_np

    def _delta_log_likelihood(self):
        """Compute the delta log likelihood for the individual likelihoods"""
        ll = self.likelihood._log_likelihood(self.par_dict_np, self.w)
        for name in ll:
            ll[name] -= self.likelihood.log_likelihood_sm[name]
        ll['global'] = sum([v for k, v in ll.items() if 'custom_' not in k])
        return ll

    def log_likelihood_dict(self):
        """Return a dictionary with the delta log likelihood values
        for the individual contributions.

        Cached after the first call."""
        if self._log_likelihood_dict is None:
            self._log_likelihood_dict = self._delta_log_likelihood()
        return self._log_likelihood_dict

    def log_likelihood_global(self):
        """Return the value of the global delta log likelihood.

        Cached after the first call. Corresponds to the `global` key of
        the dictionary returned by `log_likelihood_dict`."""
        return self.log_likelihood_dict()['global']

    def pvalue_dict(self, n_par=0):
        r"""Dictionary of $p$ values of sublikelihoods given the number `n_par`
        of free parameters (default 0)."""
        nobs = self.likelihood.number_observations_dict()
        chi2 = self.chi2_dict()
        return {k: pvalue(chi2[k], dof=max(1, nobs[k] - n_par)) for k in chi2}

    def chi2_dict(self):
        r"""Dictionary of total $\chi^2$ values of each sublikelihood.

        $$\chi^2 = -2 (\ln L + \ln L_\text{SM})$$
        ll = self.log_likelihood_dict()
        llsm = self.likelihood._log_likelihood_sm.copy()
        llsm['global'] = sum([v for k, v in llsm.items() if 'custom_' not in k])
        return {k: -2 * (ll[k] + llsm[k]) for k in ll}

    def _obstable_tree(self):
        if not self._obstable_tree_cache:
            llh = self.likelihood
            info = copy(llh.obstable_sm)
            for flh_name, flh in llh.fast_likelihoods.items():
                # loop over fast likelihoods: they only have a single "measurement"
                m = flh.pseudo_measurement
                ml = flh.full_measurement_likelihood
                pred = ml.get_predictions_par(self.par_dict_np, self.w)
                for i, obs in enumerate(flh.observables):
                    info[obs]['theory'] = pred[obs]
                    ll_central = info[obs]['ll_central']
                    ll_sm = info[obs]['ll_sm']
                    ll = m.get_logprobability_single(obs, pred[obs])
                    # DeltaChi2 is -2*DeltaLogLikelihood
                    info[obs]['pull exp.'] = pull(-2 * (ll - ll_central), dof=1)
                    s = -1 if ll > ll_sm else 1
                    info[obs]['pull SM'] = s * pull(-2 * (ll - ll_sm), dof=1)
            for lh_name, lh in llh.likelihoods.items():
                # loop over "normal" likelihoods
                ml = lh.measurement_likelihood
                pred = ml.get_predictions_par(self.par_dict_np, self.w)
                for i, obs in enumerate(lh.observables):
                    info[obs]['theory'] = pred[obs]
                    ll_central = info[obs]['ll_central']
                    ll_sm = info[obs]['ll_sm']
                    p_comb = info[obs]['exp. PDF']
                    ll = p_comb.logpdf([pred[obs]])
                    if ll == -np.inf:
                        ll = -1e100
                    info[obs]['pull exp.'] = pull(-2 * (ll - ll_central), dof=1)
                    s = -1 if ll > ll_sm else 1
                    info[obs]['pull SM'] = s * pull(-2 * (ll - ll_sm), dof=1)
            self._obstable_tree_cache = info
        return self._obstable_tree_cache

    def obstable(self, min_pull_exp=0, sort_by='pull exp.', ascending=None,
                 min_val=None, max_val=None):
        r"""Return a pandas data frame with the central values and uncertainties
        as well as the pulls with respect to the experimental and the SM values for each observable.

        The pull is defined is $\sqrt(|-2\ln L|)$. Note that the global
        likelihood is *not* simply proportional to the sum of squared pulls
        due to correlations.
        sort_keys = ['name', 'exp. unc.', 'experiment', 'pull SM', 'pull exp.',
                     'th. unc.', 'theory']
        if sort_by not in sort_keys:
            raise ValueError(
                "'{}' is not an allowed value for sort_by. Allowed values are "
                "'{}', and '{}'.".format(sort_by, "', '".join(sort_keys[:-1]),
        info = self._obstable_tree
        subset = None
        if sort_by == 'pull exp.':
            # if sorted by pull exp., use descending order as default
            if ascending is None:
                ascending = False
            if min_val is not None:
                min_val = max(min_pull_exp, min_val)
                min_val = min_pull_exp
        elif min_pull_exp != 0:
            subset = lambda row: row['pull exp.'] >= min_pull_exp
        # if sorted not by pull exp., use ascending order as default
        if ascending is None:
            ascending = True
        info = self._obstable_filter_sort(info, sortkey=sort_by,
                                          min_val=min_val, max_val=max_val,
        # create DataFrame
        df = pd.DataFrame(info).T
        # if df has length 0 (e.g. if min_pull is very large) there are no
        # columns that could be removed
        if len(df) >0:
            # remove columns that are only used internal and should not be
            # included in obstable
            del(df['exp. PDF'])
        return df

    def _obstable_filter_sort(info, sortkey='name', ascending=True,
                              min_val=None, max_val=None,
                              subset=None, max_rows=None):
        # impose min_val and max_val
        if min_val is not None:
            info = {obs:row for obs,row in info.items()
                    if row[sortkey] >= min_val}
        if max_val is not None:
            info = {obs:row for obs,row in info.items()
                    if row[sortkey] <= max_val}
        # get only subset:
        if subset is not None:
            info = {obs:row for obs,row in info.items() if subset(row)}
        # sort
        info = OrderedDict(sorted(info.items(), key=lambda x: x[1][sortkey],
                                  reverse=(not ascending)))
        # restrict number of rows per tabular to max_rows
        if max_rows is None or len(info)<=max_rows:
            return info
            info_list = []
            for n in range(ceil(len(info)/max_rows)):
                info_n = OrderedDict((obs,row)
                                    for i,(obs,row) in enumerate(info.items())
                                    if i>=n*max_rows and i<(n+1)*max_rows)
            return info_list


class CustomLikelihood

class CustomLikelihood(object):
    def __init__(self, likelihood, observables):
        if set(observables) - likelihood.observables:
            raise ValueError(
                'The following observables are not part of any included '
                '(fast)likelihood and thus cannot be used in a custom '
                'likelihood: {}.'.format(', '.join(
                    str(obs) for obs
                    in set(observables) - likelihood.observables
        self.likelihood = likelihood
        self.observables = set(observables)
        self.exclude_obs = self._get_exclude_obs_dict()

    def _get_exclude_obs_dict(self):
        """Get a dictionary with observables to be excluded from each
        (Fast)Likelihood instance."""
        exclude_obs = {}
        for lhs_or_flhs in (self.likelihood.likelihoods,
            for lh_name, lh in lhs_or_flhs.items():
                exclude_observables = set(lh.observables) - self.observables
                if set(lh.observables) != exclude_observables:
                    exclude_obs[lh_name] = exclude_observables
        return exclude_obs

    def log_likelihood(self, par_dict, wc_obj, delta=False):
        custom_log_likelihood = 0
        for lh_name, exclude_observables in self.exclude_obs.items():
            lh = (self.likelihood.fast_likelihoods.get(lh_name)
                  or self.likelihood.likelihoods.get(lh_name))
            custom_log_likelihood += lh.log_likelihood(
                par_dict, wc_obj, delta=delta,
        return custom_log_likelihood

    def get_number_observations(self):
        """Get the number of observations, defined as individual measurements
        of observables."""
        nobs = 0
        for llh_name, exclude_observables in self.exclude_obs.items():
            if llh_name in self.likelihood.fast_likelihoods:
                flh = self.likelihood.fast_likelihoods[llh_name]
                nobs += len(set(flh.observables) - set(exclude_observables or []))
                lh = self.likelihood.likelihoods[llh_name]
                ml =  lh.measurement_likelihood
                nobs += ml.get_number_observations(
        return nobs

Ancestors (in MRO)

Static methods

def __init__(

self, likelihood, observables)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

def __init__(self, likelihood, observables):
    if set(observables) - likelihood.observables:
        raise ValueError(
            'The following observables are not part of any included '
            '(fast)likelihood and thus cannot be used in a custom '
            'likelihood: {}.'.format(', '.join(
                str(obs) for obs
                in set(observables) - likelihood.observables
    self.likelihood = likelihood
    self.observables = set(observables)
    self.exclude_obs = self._get_exclude_obs_dict()

def get_number_observations(


Get the number of observations, defined as individual measurements of observables.

def get_number_observations(self):
    """Get the number of observations, defined as individual measurements
    of observables."""
    nobs = 0
    for llh_name, exclude_observables in self.exclude_obs.items():
        if llh_name in self.likelihood.fast_likelihoods:
            flh = self.likelihood.fast_likelihoods[llh_name]
            nobs += len(set(flh.observables) - set(exclude_observables or []))
            lh = self.likelihood.likelihoods[llh_name]
            ml =  lh.measurement_likelihood
            nobs += ml.get_number_observations(
    return nobs

def log_likelihood(

self, par_dict, wc_obj, delta=False)

def log_likelihood(self, par_dict, wc_obj, delta=False):
    custom_log_likelihood = 0
    for lh_name, exclude_observables in self.exclude_obs.items():
        lh = (self.likelihood.fast_likelihoods.get(lh_name)
              or self.likelihood.likelihoods.get(lh_name))
        custom_log_likelihood += lh.log_likelihood(
            par_dict, wc_obj, delta=delta,
    return custom_log_likelihood

Instance variables

var exclude_obs

var likelihood

var observables

class GlobalLikelihood

Class that provides a global likelihood in SMEFT Wilson coefficient space.

User methods:

  • log_likelihood: return an instance of LieklihoodResult given a dictionary of Wilson coefficients at a given scale
  • log_likelihood_wcxf: return an instance of LieklihoodResult given the path to a WCxf file
  • log_likelihood_wilson: return an instance of LieklihoodResult+ given an instance of wilson.Wilson

Utility methods:

  • make_measurement: compute the SM covariances. Note that it is only necessary to call this method when changes to the default parameters/uncertainties have been made
  • save_sm_covariances, load_sm_covariances: Save the calculated SM covariances or load them from data files
  • save_exp_covariances, load_exp_covariances: Save the calculated experimental central values and covariances or load them from data files
class GlobalLikelihood(object):
    """Class that provides a global likelihood in SMEFT Wilson
    coefficient space.

    User methods:

    - `log_likelihood`: return an instance of LieklihoodResult
    given a dictionary of Wilson coefficients at a given scale
    - `log_likelihood_wcxf`: return an instance of LieklihoodResult
    given the path to a WCxf file
    - `log_likelihood_wilson`: return an instance of LieklihoodResult+
    given an instance of `wilson.Wilson`

    Utility methods:

    - `make_measurement`: compute the SM covariances. Note that it is only
    necessary to call this method when changes to the default
    parameters/uncertainties have been made
    - `save_sm_covariances`, `load_sm_covariances`: Save the calculated SM
    covariances or load them from data files
    - `save_exp_covariances`, `load_exp_covariances`: Save the calculated
    experimental central values and covariances or load them from data files


    _default_bases = {'SMEFT': 'Warsaw', 'WET': 'flavio'}

    _fast_likelihoods_yaml_fixckm = [

    _fast_likelihoods_yaml = [

    _likelihoods_yaml = [

    def __init__(self, eft='SMEFT', basis=None,
        """Initialize the likelihood.

        Optionally, a dictionary of parameters can be passed as `par_dict`.
        If not given (or not complete), flavio default parameter values will
        be used. Note that the CKM elements in `par_dict` will be ignored as
        the "true" CKM elements will be extracted for each parameter point
        from the measurement of four input observables:
        - `'RKpi(P+->munu)'`
        - `'BR(B+->taunu)'`
        - `'BR(B->Xcenu)'`
        - `'DeltaM_d/DeltaM_s'`


        - eft: a WCxf EFT, must be one of 'SMEFT' (default) or 'WET'.
        - basis: a WCxf basis, defaults to 'Warsaw' for SMEFT and 'flavio'
          for WET.
        - include_likelihoods: a list of strings specifying the likelihoods
          to be included (default: all of them). Note that this cannot be used
          to add likelihoods.
        - exclude_likelihoods: a list of strings specifying the likelihoods
          to be excluded (default: none of them).
        - Nexp: number of random evaluations of the experimental likelihood
          used to extract the covariance matrix for "fast likelihood"
          instances. Defaults to 5000.
        - exp_cov_folder: directory containing saved expererimental
          covariances. The data files have to be in the format exported by
        - sm_cov_folder: directory containing saved SM
          covariances. The data files have to be in the format exported by
        - custom_likelihoods: a dictionary in which each value is a list of
          observables and each key is a string that serves as user-defined
          name. For each item of the dictionary, a custom likelihood will be
        - fix_ckm: If False (default), automatically determine the CKM elements
          in the presence of new physics in processes used to determine these
          elements in the SM. If set to True, the CKM elements are fixed to
          their SM values, which can lead to inconsistent results, but also
          to a significant speedup in specific cases.
        - ckm_scheme: A string with the name of the class defining the CKM
        self.eft = eft
        self.basis = basis or self._default_bases[self.eft]
        par_dict = par_dict or {}  # initialize empty if not given
        # take missing parameters from flavio defaults
        self.par_dict_default = flavio.default_parameters.get_central_all()
        self._par_dict_sm = None
        self._observables = None
        self.fix_ckm = fix_ckm
        if self.fix_ckm:
            self._fast_likelihoods_yaml = self._fast_likelihoods_yaml_fixckm
            self._ckm_scheme = get_ckm_schemes()[ckm_scheme]
            self._ckm_scheme_name = ckm_scheme
            raise ValueError("CKM scheme '{}' is not defined.".format(ckm_scheme))
        self.likelihoods = {}
        self.fast_likelihoods = {}
        self._custom_likelihoods_dict = custom_likelihoods or {}
        self.custom_likelihoods = {}
        self._all_likelihoods = {
            'global': _global_llh(self),
        self._Nexp = Nexp
        if exp_cov_folder is not None:
        self._sm_cov_loaded = False
            if sm_cov_folder is None:
                self.load_sm_covariances(get_datapath('smelli', 'data/cache'))
            self._sm_cov_loaded = True
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
            warnings.warn("There was a problem loading the SM covariances. "
                          "Please recompute them with `make_measurement`.")
        self._log_likelihood_sm = None
        self._obstable_sm = None

    def _load_likelihoods(self,
        if include_likelihoods is not None and exclude_likelihoods is not None:
            raise ValueError("include_likelihoods and exclude_likelihoods "
                             "should not be specified simultaneously.")
        for argument_name, argument in [('exclude_likelihoods', exclude_likelihoods), ('include_likelihoods',include_likelihoods)]:
            if argument:
                unknown_likelihoods = set(argument) - set(self._fast_likelihoods_yaml + self._likelihoods_yaml)
                if unknown_likelihoods:
                    raise ValueError("{} contains unknown likelihoods: {}".format(argument_name,unknown_likelihoods))
        # load ckm parameters for given CKM scheme
        par_ckm_file = 'par_ckm_{}.yaml'.format(self._ckm_scheme_name)
        with open(self._get_yaml_path(par_ckm_file), 'r') as f:
            par_ckm_dict =
        for fn in self._fast_likelihoods_yaml:
            if include_likelihoods is not None and fn not in include_likelihoods:
            if exclude_likelihoods is not None and fn in exclude_likelihoods:
            with open(self._get_yaml_path(fn), 'r') as f:
                yaml_dict =
                if not self.fix_ckm:
                    yaml_dict['par_obj'] = par_ckm_dict
                    L = FastLikelihood.load_dict(yaml_dict)
                    meas_yaml = set(yaml_dict['include_measurements'])
                    meas_loaded = set(L.full_measurement_likelihood.get_measurements)
                    meas_missing = meas_yaml-meas_loaded
                except AssertionError as e:
                    to_upgrade = 'smelli' if _flavio_up_to_date else 'flavio'
                    raise AssertionError('{}. Please upgrade {} to the latest version.'.format(e,to_upgrade))
                if meas_missing:
                    to_upgrade = 'smelli' if _flavio_up_to_date else 'flavio'
                    raise AssertionError('The measurements {} have not been found. Please upgrade {} to the latest version.'.format(meas_missing,to_upgrade))
            self.fast_likelihoods[fn] = L
        for fn in self._likelihoods_yaml:
            if include_likelihoods is not None and fn not in include_likelihoods:
            if exclude_likelihoods is not None and fn in exclude_likelihoods:
            if self.eft != 'SMEFT' and fn in ['likelihood_ewpt.yaml',
            with open(self._get_yaml_path(fn), 'r') as f:
                yaml_dict =
                    L = Likelihood.load_dict(yaml_dict)
                    meas_yaml = set(yaml_dict['include_measurements'])
                    meas_loaded = set(L.measurement_likelihood.get_measurements)
                    meas_missing = meas_yaml-meas_loaded
                except AssertionError as e:
                    to_upgrade = 'smelli' if _flavio_up_to_date else 'flavio'
                    raise AssertionError('{}. Please upgrade {} to the latest version.'.format(e,to_upgrade))
                if meas_missing:
                    to_upgrade = 'smelli' if _flavio_up_to_date else 'flavio'
                    raise AssertionError('The measurements {} have not been found. Please upgrade {} to the latest version.'.format(meas_missing,to_upgrade))
            self.likelihoods[fn] = L
        for name, observables in self._custom_likelihoods_dict.items():
            L = CustomLikelihood(self, observables)
            self.custom_likelihoods['custom_' + name] = L

    def _get_yaml_path(self, name):
        """Return a path for the YAML file specified by `name`.
        If a YAML file with that name is found in the package's data
        directory, that is used. Otherwise, `name` is assumed to be a path.

        Raises `FileNotFoundError` if path does not exists.
        path = get_datapath('smelli', 'data/yaml/' + name)
        if os.path.exists(path):
            return path
        path = get_datapath('smelli', 'data/yaml/' + name + '.yaml')
        if os.path.exists(path):
            return path
        if os.path.exists(name):
            return name
        if os.path.exists(name + '.yaml'):
            return name + '.yaml'
            raise FileNotFoundError("Likelihood YAML file '{}' was not found".format(name))

    def make_measurement(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Initialize the likelihood by producing a pseudo-measurement containing both
        experimental uncertainties as well as theory uncertainties stemming
        from nuisance parameters.

        Optional parameters:

        - `N`: number of random computations for the SM covariance (computing
          time is proportional to it; more means less random fluctuations.)
        - `Nexp`: number of random computations for the experimental covariance.
          This is much less expensive than the theory covariance, so a large
          number can be afforded (default: 5000).
        - `threads`: number of parallel threads for the SM
          covariance computation. Defaults to 1 (no parallelization).
        - `force`: if True, will recompute SM covariance even if it
          already has been computed. Defaults to False.
        - `force_exp`: if True, will recompute experimental central values and
          covariance even if they have already been computed. Defaults to False.
        if 'Nexp' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['Nexp'] = self._Nexp
        for name, flh in self.fast_likelihoods.items():
            flh.make_measurement(*args, **kwargs)
        self._sm_cov_loaded = True

    def save_sm_covariances(self, folder):
        for name, flh in self.fast_likelihoods.items():
            if self.fix_ckm:
                name = name + '_fix_ckm'
                name = name + '_' + self._ckm_scheme_name
            filename = os.path.join(folder, name + '.p')

    def load_sm_covariances(self, folder):
        for name, flh in self.fast_likelihoods.items():
            if self.fix_ckm:
                name = name + '_fix_ckm'
                name = name + '_' + self._ckm_scheme_name
            filename = os.path.join(folder, name + '.p')

    def save_exp_covariances(self, folder):
        for name, flh in self.fast_likelihoods.items():
            filename = os.path.join(folder, name + '.p')

    def load_exp_covariances(self, folder):
        for name, flh in self.fast_likelihoods.items():
            filename = os.path.join(folder, name + '.p')

    def observables(self):
        if self._observables is None:
            self._observables = set.union(*(
                set(lh.observables) for lh in chain(
        return self._observables

    def log_likelihood_sm(self):
        if self._log_likelihood_sm is None:
            self._log_likelihood_sm = self._log_likelihood(self.par_dict_sm, flavio.WilsonCoefficients())
        return self._log_likelihood_sm

    def _check_sm_cov_loaded(self):
        """Check if the SM covariances have been computed or loaded."""
        if not self._sm_cov_loaded:
            raise ValueError("Please load or compute the SM covariances first"
                             " by calling `make_measurement`.")

    def get_ckm_sm(self):
        Vus, Vcb, Vub, delta = self._ckm_scheme.ckm_np(w=None)
        return {'Vus': Vus, 'Vcb': Vcb, 'Vub': Vub, 'delta': delta}

    def par_dict_sm(self):
        """Return the dictionary of parameters where the four CKM parameters
        `Vus`, `Vcb`, `Vub`, `delta` have been replaced by their
        "true" values extracted assuming the SM.
        They should be almost (but not exactly) equal to the default
        flavio CKM parameters.

        Note that if `fix_ckm` is set to `True`, this method actually
        returns the default parameter values.
        if self.fix_ckm:
            return self.par_dict_default
        if self._par_dict_sm is None:
            par_dict_sm = self.par_dict_default.copy()
            self._par_dict_sm = par_dict_sm
        return self._par_dict_sm

    def obstable_sm(self):
        if self._obstable_sm is None:
            info = tree()  # nested dict
            for flh_name, flh in self.fast_likelihoods.items():
                # loop over fast likelihoods: they only have a single "measurement"
                m = flh.pseudo_measurement
                ml = flh.full_measurement_likelihood
                pred_sm = ml.get_predictions_par(self.par_dict_sm,
                sm_cov = flh.sm_covariance.get(force=False)
                _, exp_cov = flh.exp_covariance.get(force=False)
                inspire_dict = self._get_inspire_dict(flh.observables, ml)
                for i, obs in enumerate(flh.observables):
                    info[obs]['lh_name'] = flh_name
                    info[obs]['name'] = obs if isinstance(obs, str) else obs[0]
                    info[obs]['th. unc.'] = np.sqrt(sm_cov[i, i])
                    info[obs]['experiment'] = m.get_central(obs)
                    info[obs]['exp. unc.'] = np.sqrt(exp_cov[i, i])
                    info[obs]['exp. PDF'] = NormalDistribution(m.get_central(obs), np.sqrt(exp_cov[i, i]))
                    info[obs]['inspire'] = sorted(set(inspire_dict[obs]))
                    info[obs]['ll_sm'] = m.get_logprobability_single(obs, pred_sm[obs])
                    info[obs]['ll_central'] = m.get_logprobability_single(obs, m.get_central(obs))
            for lh_name, lh in self.likelihoods.items():
                # loop over "normal" likelihoods
                ml = lh.measurement_likelihood
                pred_sm = ml.get_predictions_par(self.par_dict_sm,
                inspire_dict = self._get_inspire_dict(lh.observables, ml)
                for i, obs in enumerate(lh.observables):
                    obs_dict = flavio.Observable.argument_format(obs, 'dict')
                    obs_name = obs_dict.pop('name')
                    with warnings.catch_warnings():
                        p_comb = flavio.combine_measurements(
                    info[obs]['experiment'] = p_comb.central_value
                    info[obs]['exp. unc.'] = max(p_comb.error_left, p_comb.error_right)
                    info[obs]['exp. PDF'] = p_comb
                    info[obs]['inspire'] = sorted(set(inspire_dict[obs]))
                    info[obs]['th. unc.'] = 0
                    info[obs]['lh_name'] = lh_name
                    info[obs]['name'] = obs if isinstance(obs, str) else obs[0]
                    info[obs]['ll_sm'] = p_comb.logpdf([pred_sm[obs]])
                    if info[obs]['ll_sm'] == -np.inf:
                        info[obs]['ll_sm'] = -1e100
                    info[obs]['ll_central'] = p_comb.logpdf([p_comb.central_value])
            self._obstable_sm = info
        return self._obstable_sm

    def get_wilson(self, wc_dict, scale):
        return Wilson(wc_dict, scale=scale, eft=self.eft, basis=self.basis)

    def _log_likelihood(self, par_dict, w):
        """Return the log-likelihood as a dictionary for an instance of
        ll = {}
        for name, flh in self.fast_likelihoods.items():
            ll[name] = flh.log_likelihood(par_dict, w, delta=True)
        for name, lh in self.likelihoods.items():
            ll[name] = lh.log_likelihood(par_dict, w, delta=True)
        for name, clh in self.custom_likelihoods.items():
            ll[name] = clh.log_likelihood(par_dict, w, delta=True)
        return ll

    def parameter_point(self, wc_dict, scale=None):
        """Choose a point in parameter space by providing a dictionary of
        Wilson coefficient values (with keys corresponding to WCxf Wilson
        coefficient names) and the input scale."""
        if not scale:
            raise ValueError("You need to provide a scale")
        w = self.get_wilson(wc_dict, scale)
        return GlobalLikelihoodPoint(self, w, fix_ckm=self.fix_ckm)

    @dispatch(dict, (int, float))
    def parameter_point(self, wc_dict, scale):
        """Choose a point in parameter space by providing a dictionary of
        Wilson coefficient values (with keys corresponding to WCxf Wilson
        coefficient names) and the input scale."""
        w = self.get_wilson(wc_dict, scale)
        return GlobalLikelihoodPoint(self, w, fix_ckm=self.fix_ckm)

    def parameter_point(self, filename):
        """Choose a point in parameter space by providing the path to a WCxf
        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            wc = wcxf.WC.load(f)
        w = Wilson.from_wc(wc)
        return GlobalLikelihoodPoint(self, w, fix_ckm=self.fix_ckm)

    def parameter_point(self, w):
        """Choose a point in parameter space by providing an instance
        of `wilson.Wilson`."""
        return GlobalLikelihoodPoint(self, w, fix_ckm=self.fix_ckm)

    def _get_inspire_dict(observables, ml):
        inspire_dict = {}
        obs_set = set(observables)
        for m_name in ml.get_measurements:
            m_obj = flavio.Measurement[m_name]
            for obs in set(m_obj.all_parameters) & obs_set:
                if obs in inspire_dict:
        return inspire_dict

    def number_observations_dict(self, exclude_observables=None):
        """Get a dictionary of the number of "observations" for each

        Here, an "observation" is defined as an individual measurment
        of an observable. Thus, the number of observations is always
        >= the number of observables.
        nobs_dict = {}
        for name, flh in self.fast_likelihoods.items():
            nobs_dict[name] = len(set(flh.observables) - set(exclude_observables or []))
        for name, lh in self.likelihoods.items():
            ml =  lh.measurement_likelihood
            nobs_dict[name] = ml.get_number_observations(
        for name, clh in self.custom_likelihoods.items():
            nobs_dict[name] = clh.get_number_observations()
        nobs_dict['global'] = sum([v for k, v in nobs_dict.items() if 'custom_' not in k])
        return nobs_dict

    def plot_data_2d(self,
                     x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max,
                     x_log=False, y_log=False,
        """Compute the likelihood on a grid of two non-zero Wilson coefficients.

        This method is meant for producing contour plots with `flavio.plots`
        and `matplotlib` in the plane of two Wilson coefficients.


        - `wc_fct`: function with two arguments x and y returning a dictionary
                    with Wilson coefficients
        - `scale`: either a function with two arguments x and y returning the
                   renormalization scale in GeV, or a numerical value fixing the
        - `x_min`: minimum value of Wilson coefficient on x axis
        - `x_max`: maximum value of Wilson coefficient on x axis
        - `y_min`: minimum value of Wilson coefficient on y axis
        - `y_max`: maximum value of Wilson coefficient on y axis
        - `x_log`: boolean specifying whether logspace should be used for x
                   values (default: False)
        - `y_log`: boolean specifying whether logspace should be used for y
                   values (default: False)
        - `steps`: number of steps in each direction. The computing time scales
                   with the square of this number. (default: 20)
        - `threads`: number of threads for parallel computation (default: 1)
        - `pool`: either `None` or `pool` object for parallel computation. If
                  `pool` object is provided, `threads` is ignored.
                  (default: None)


        A dictionary of the  form
        `{'likelihood_A': dat_A, 'likelihood_B': dat_B, ...}`
        where `'likelihood_A'` etc. are the names of the sub- and custom
        likelihoods (as return by `GlobalLikelihoodPoint.log_likelihood_dict`)
        and `dat_A` etc. are dictionaries with the keys `x`, `y`, `z`, that
        can be directly fed to the `flavio.plots.contour` plot function.
        if x_log:
            _x = np.logspace(x_min, x_max, steps)
            _x = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, steps)
        if y_log:
            _y = np.logspace(y_min, y_max, steps)
            _y = np.linspace(y_min, y_max, steps)
        x, y = np.meshgrid(_x, _y)
        xy = np.array([x, y]).reshape(2, steps**2).T
        xy_enumerated = list(enumerate(xy))
        if isinstance(scale,Number):
            scale_fct = partial(_scale_fct_fixed, scale=scale)
            scale_fct = scale
        ll = partial(_log_likelihood_2d, gl=self, wc_fct=wc_fct, scale_fct=scale_fct)
        ll_dict_list_enumerated = multithreading_map(ll, xy_enumerated,
            threads=threads, pool=pool)
        ll_dict_list = [
            ll_dict[1] for ll_dict in
            sorted(ll_dict_list_enumerated, key=itemgetter(0))
        plotdata = {}
        keys = ll_dict_list[0].keys()  # look at first dict to fix keys
        for k in keys:
            z = -2 * np.array([ll_dict[k] for ll_dict in ll_dict_list]).reshape((steps, steps))
            plotdata[k] = {'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z}
        return plotdata

    def chi2_min(self,
                 methods = ('SLSQP', 'MIGRAD', 'L-BFGS-B'),
        """Find the minimum of -2*log-likelihood for a given function of Wilson
           coefficients and a scale.


        - `wc_fct`: function with either n>=1 arguments or one argument being
          an array of length n>1 and which returns a dictionary with Wilson
        - `scale`: either a function returning the renormalization scale in GeV,
          or a numerical value fixing the scale. If it is a function, it must
          have either n>=1 arguments or one argument being an array of length
        - methods: tuple of methods to try consecutively. (default:
          `('SLSQP', 'MIGRAD', 'L-BFGS-B')`)
        - include_likelihoods: a list of strings specifying the likelihoods
          to be included (default: all of them).
        - exclude_likelihoods: a list of strings specifying the likelihoods to
          be excluded (default: none of them).
        - `plotdata`: the result of `plot_data_2d` that will be used for
          extracting the initial guesses for the minimization in the 2D case
          (default: None)
        - `initial_guesses`: a dictionary with initial guesses for the
          minimization. The keys are strings with the names of the individual
          likelihoods, the values are arrays (or lists) of length n. This
          overrides initial guesses extracted from `plotdata` (default: None)
        - `n`: number of variables. Has to be provided only if `wc_fct` has a
           single argument (an array of length n) and neither `plotdata` nor
          `initial_guesses` is given. (default: None)
        - `threads`: number of threads for parallel computation (default: 1)
        - `pool`: either `None` or `pool` object for parallel computation. If
          `pool` object is provided, `threads` is ignored. (default: None)


        A dictionary of the  form
        `{'likelihood_A': dat_A, 'likelihood_B': dat_B, ...}`
        where `'likelihood_A'` etc. are the names of the sub- and custom
        likelihoods (as return by `GlobalLikelihoodPoint.log_likelihood_dict`)
        and `dat_A` etc. are dictionaries with the keys `z_min`, `coords_min`,
        where the values of `z_min` and `coords_min` are a number and an array
        of length n, respectively.
        if include_likelihoods is not None and exclude_likelihoods is not None:
            raise ValueError("include_likelihoods and exclude_likelihoods "
                             "should not be specified simultaneously.")
        if isinstance(scale,Number):
            scale_fct = partial(_scale_fct_fixed, scale=scale)
            scale_fct = scale
        likelihoods = {
            k for k in self._all_likelihoods.keys()
            if ((include_likelihoods is None and exclude_likelihoods is None)
            or (include_likelihoods is not None and k in include_likelihoods)
            or (exclude_likelihoods is not None and k not in exclude_likelihoods))
        n_fct = len(inspect.getfullargspec(wc_fct).args)
        if plotdata is not None:
            n_args = 2
            if n is not None:
                warnings.warn(f"Since `plotdata` is provided, `n={n}` "
                              " is ignored.")
            _initial_guesses = {k: np.zeros(n_args) for k in likelihoods}
            for k in _initial_guesses.keys():
                x,y,z = (plotdata[k][i] for i in 'xyz')
                minimum = (z == np.min(z))
                _initial_guesses[k] = [np.median(x[minimum]), np.median(y[minimum])]
            if initial_guesses is not None:
        elif initial_guesses is not None:
            if n is not None:
                warnings.warn(f"Since `initial_guesses` is provided, `n={n}` "
                              " is ignored.")
            n_args = len(next(iter(initial_guesses.values())))
            _initial_guesses = {k: np.zeros(n_args) for k in likelihoods}
        elif n_fct > 1:
            n_args = n_fct
            if n is not None:
                warnings.warn(f"Since `wc_fct` has {n_fct} arguments, `n={n}` "
                              " is ignored.")
            _initial_guesses = {k: np.zeros(n_args) for k in likelihoods}
        elif n is not None:
            n_args = n
            _initial_guesses = {k: np.zeros(n_args) for k in likelihoods}
            raise ValueError(
                'The number of variables `n` has to be provided as an argument '
                'if `wc_fct` has a single argument (which can be an array of '
                'length n) and neither `plotdata` nor `initial_guesses` is '
        _initial_guesses = list(_initial_guesses.items())

        array_input = n_args != n_fct
        best_fit_point = partial(
        bf_list = multithreading_map(best_fit_point, _initial_guesses,
            threads=threads, pool=pool)
        bf_dict = dict(list(bf_list))
        return bf_dict

Ancestors (in MRO)

Static methods

def __init__(

self, eft='SMEFT', basis=None, par_dict=None, include_likelihoods=None, exclude_likelihoods=None, Nexp=5000, exp_cov_folder=None, sm_cov_folder=None, custom_likelihoods=None, fix_ckm=False, ckm_scheme='CKMSchemeRmuBtaunuBxlnuDeltaM')

Initialize the likelihood.

Optionally, a dictionary of parameters can be passed as par_dict. If not given (or not complete), flavio default parameter values will be used. Note that the CKM elements in par_dict will be ignored as the "true" CKM elements will be extracted for each parameter point from the measurement of four input observables: - 'RKpi(P+->munu)' - 'BR(B+->taunu)' - 'BR(B->Xcenu)' - 'DeltaM_d/DeltaM_s'


  • eft: a WCxf EFT, must be one of 'SMEFT' (default) or 'WET'.
  • basis: a WCxf basis, defaults to 'Warsaw' for SMEFT and 'flavio' for WET.
  • include_likelihoods: a list of strings specifying the likelihoods to be included (default: all of them). Note that this cannot be used to add likelihoods.
  • exclude_likelihoods: a list of strings specifying the likelihoods to be excluded (default: none of them).
  • Nexp: number of random evaluations of the experimental likelihood used to extract the covariance matrix for "fast likelihood" instances. Defaults to 5000.
  • exp_cov_folder: directory containing saved expererimental covariances. The data files have to be in the format exported by save_exp_covariances.
  • sm_cov_folder: directory containing saved SM covariances. The data files have to be in the format exported by save_sm_covariances.
  • custom_likelihoods: a dictionary in which each value is a list of observables and each key is a string that serves as user-defined name. For each item of the dictionary, a custom likelihood will be computed.
  • fix_ckm: If False (default), automatically determine the CKM elements in the presence of new physics in processes used to determine these elements in the SM. If set to True, the CKM elements are fixed to their SM values, which can lead to inconsistent results, but also to a significant speedup in specific cases.
  • ckm_scheme: A string with the name of the class defining the CKM scheme.
def __init__(self, eft='SMEFT', basis=None,
    """Initialize the likelihood.
    Optionally, a dictionary of parameters can be passed as `par_dict`.
    If not given (or not complete), flavio default parameter values will
    be used. Note that the CKM elements in `par_dict` will be ignored as
    the "true" CKM elements will be extracted for each parameter point
    from the measurement of four input observables:
    - `'RKpi(P+->munu)'`
    - `'BR(B+->taunu)'`
    - `'BR(B->Xcenu)'`
    - `'DeltaM_d/DeltaM_s'`
    - eft: a WCxf EFT, must be one of 'SMEFT' (default) or 'WET'.
    - basis: a WCxf basis, defaults to 'Warsaw' for SMEFT and 'flavio'
      for WET.
    - include_likelihoods: a list of strings specifying the likelihoods
      to be included (default: all of them). Note that this cannot be used
      to add likelihoods.
    - exclude_likelihoods: a list of strings specifying the likelihoods
      to be excluded (default: none of them).
    - Nexp: number of random evaluations of the experimental likelihood
      used to extract the covariance matrix for "fast likelihood"
      instances. Defaults to 5000.
    - exp_cov_folder: directory containing saved expererimental
      covariances. The data files have to be in the format exported by
    - sm_cov_folder: directory containing saved SM
      covariances. The data files have to be in the format exported by
    - custom_likelihoods: a dictionary in which each value is a list of
      observables and each key is a string that serves as user-defined
      name. For each item of the dictionary, a custom likelihood will be
    - fix_ckm: If False (default), automatically determine the CKM elements
      in the presence of new physics in processes used to determine these
      elements in the SM. If set to True, the CKM elements are fixed to
      their SM values, which can lead to inconsistent results, but also
      to a significant speedup in specific cases.
    - ckm_scheme: A string with the name of the class defining the CKM
    self.eft = eft
    self.basis = basis or self._default_bases[self.eft]
    par_dict = par_dict or {}  # initialize empty if not given
    # take missing parameters from flavio defaults
    self.par_dict_default = flavio.default_parameters.get_central_all()
    self._par_dict_sm = None
    self._observables = None
    self.fix_ckm = fix_ckm
    if self.fix_ckm:
        self._fast_likelihoods_yaml = self._fast_likelihoods_yaml_fixckm
        self._ckm_scheme = get_ckm_schemes()[ckm_scheme]
        self._ckm_scheme_name = ckm_scheme
        raise ValueError("CKM scheme '{}' is not defined.".format(ckm_scheme))
    self.likelihoods = {}
    self.fast_likelihoods = {}
    self._custom_likelihoods_dict = custom_likelihoods or {}
    self.custom_likelihoods = {}
    self._all_likelihoods = {
        'global': _global_llh(self),
    self._Nexp = Nexp
    if exp_cov_folder is not None:
    self._sm_cov_loaded = False
        if sm_cov_folder is None:
            self.load_sm_covariances(get_datapath('smelli', 'data/cache'))
        self._sm_cov_loaded = True
    except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        warnings.warn("There was a problem loading the SM covariances. "
                      "Please recompute them with `make_measurement`.")
    self._log_likelihood_sm = None
    self._obstable_sm = None

def chi2_min(

self, wc_fct, scale, methods=('SLSQP', 'MIGRAD', 'L-BFGS-B'), include_likelihoods=None, exclude_likelihoods=None, plotdata=None, initial_guesses=None, n=None, threads=1, pool=None)

Find the minimum of -2*log-likelihood for a given function of Wilson coefficients and a scale.


  • wc_fct: function with either n>=1 arguments or one argument being an array of length n>1 and which returns a dictionary with Wilson coefficients.
  • scale: either a function returning the renormalization scale in GeV, or a numerical value fixing the scale. If it is a function, it must have either n>=1 arguments or one argument being an array of length n>1.
  • methods: tuple of methods to try consecutively. (default: ('SLSQP', 'MIGRAD', 'L-BFGS-B'))
  • include_likelihoods: a list of strings specifying the likelihoods to be included (default: all of them).
  • exclude_likelihoods: a list of strings specifying the likelihoods to be excluded (default: none of them).
  • plotdata: the result of plot_data_2d that will be used for extracting the initial guesses for the minimization in the 2D case (default: None)
  • initial_guesses: a dictionary with initial guesses for the minimization. The keys are strings with the names of the individual likelihoods, the values are arrays (or lists) of length n. This overrides initial guesses extracted from plotdata (default: None)
  • n: number of variables. Has to be provided only if wc_fct has a single argument (an array of length n) and neither plotdata nor initial_guesses is given. (default: None)
  • threads: number of threads for parallel computation (default: 1)
  • pool: either None or pool object for parallel computation. If pool object is provided, threads is ignored. (default: None)


A dictionary of the form {'likelihood_A': dat_A, 'likelihood_B': dat_B, ...} where 'likelihood_A' etc. are the names of the sub- and custom likelihoods (as return by GlobalLikelihoodPoint.log_likelihood_dict) and dat_A etc. are dictionaries with the keys z_min, coords_min, where the values of z_min and coords_min are a number and an array of length n, respectively.

def chi2_min(self,
             methods = ('SLSQP', 'MIGRAD', 'L-BFGS-B'),
    """Find the minimum of -2*log-likelihood for a given function of Wilson
       coefficients and a scale.
    - `wc_fct`: function with either n>=1 arguments or one argument being
      an array of length n>1 and which returns a dictionary with Wilson
    - `scale`: either a function returning the renormalization scale in GeV,
      or a numerical value fixing the scale. If it is a function, it must
      have either n>=1 arguments or one argument being an array of length
    - methods: tuple of methods to try consecutively. (default:
      `('SLSQP', 'MIGRAD', 'L-BFGS-B')`)
    - include_likelihoods: a list of strings specifying the likelihoods
      to be included (default: all of them).
    - exclude_likelihoods: a list of strings specifying the likelihoods to
      be excluded (default: none of them).
    - `plotdata`: the result of `plot_data_2d` that will be used for
      extracting the initial guesses for the minimization in the 2D case
      (default: None)
    - `initial_guesses`: a dictionary with initial guesses for the
      minimization. The keys are strings with the names of the individual
      likelihoods, the values are arrays (or lists) of length n. This
      overrides initial guesses extracted from `plotdata` (default: None)
    - `n`: number of variables. Has to be provided only if `wc_fct` has a
       single argument (an array of length n) and neither `plotdata` nor
      `initial_guesses` is given. (default: None)
    - `threads`: number of threads for parallel computation (default: 1)
    - `pool`: either `None` or `pool` object for parallel computation. If
      `pool` object is provided, `threads` is ignored. (default: None)
    A dictionary of the  form
    `{'likelihood_A': dat_A, 'likelihood_B': dat_B, ...}`
    where `'likelihood_A'` etc. are the names of the sub- and custom
    likelihoods (as return by `GlobalLikelihoodPoint.log_likelihood_dict`)
    and `dat_A` etc. are dictionaries with the keys `z_min`, `coords_min`,
    where the values of `z_min` and `coords_min` are a number and an array
    of length n, respectively.
    if include_likelihoods is not None and exclude_likelihoods is not None:
        raise ValueError("include_likelihoods and exclude_likelihoods "
                         "should not be specified simultaneously.")
    if isinstance(scale,Number):
        scale_fct = partial(_scale_fct_fixed, scale=scale)
        scale_fct = scale
    likelihoods = {
        k for k in self._all_likelihoods.keys()
        if ((include_likelihoods is None and exclude_likelihoods is None)
        or (include_likelihoods is not None and k in include_likelihoods)
        or (exclude_likelihoods is not None and k not in exclude_likelihoods))
    n_fct = len(inspect.getfullargspec(wc_fct).args)
    if plotdata is not None:
        n_args = 2
        if n is not None:
            warnings.warn(f"Since `plotdata` is provided, `n={n}` "
                          " is ignored.")
        _initial_guesses = {k: np.zeros(n_args) for k in likelihoods}
        for k in _initial_guesses.keys():
            x,y,z = (plotdata[k][i] for i in 'xyz')
            minimum = (z == np.min(z))
            _initial_guesses[k] = [np.median(x[minimum]), np.median(y[minimum])]
        if initial_guesses is not None:
    elif initial_guesses is not None:
        if n is not None:
            warnings.warn(f"Since `initial_guesses` is provided, `n={n}` "
                          " is ignored.")
        n_args = len(next(iter(initial_guesses.values())))
        _initial_guesses = {k: np.zeros(n_args) for k in likelihoods}
    elif n_fct > 1:
        n_args = n_fct
        if n is not None:
            warnings.warn(f"Since `wc_fct` has {n_fct} arguments, `n={n}` "
                          " is ignored.")
        _initial_guesses = {k: np.zeros(n_args) for k in likelihoods}
    elif n is not None:
        n_args = n
        _initial_guesses = {k: np.zeros(n_args) for k in likelihoods}
        raise ValueError(
            'The number of variables `n` has to be provided as an argument '
            'if `wc_fct` has a single argument (which can be an array of '
            'length n) and neither `plotdata` nor `initial_guesses` is '
    _initial_guesses = list(_initial_guesses.items())
    array_input = n_args != n_fct
    best_fit_point = partial(
    bf_list = multithreading_map(best_fit_point, _initial_guesses,
        threads=threads, pool=pool)
    bf_dict = dict(list(bf_list))
    return bf_dict

def get_ckm_sm(


def get_ckm_sm(self):
    Vus, Vcb, Vub, delta = self._ckm_scheme.ckm_np(w=None)
    return {'Vus': Vus, 'Vcb': Vcb, 'Vub': Vub, 'delta': delta}

def get_wilson(

self, wc_dict, scale)

def get_wilson(self, wc_dict, scale):
    return Wilson(wc_dict, scale=scale, eft=self.eft, basis=self.basis)

def load_exp_covariances(

self, folder)

def load_exp_covariances(self, folder):
    for name, flh in self.fast_likelihoods.items():
        filename = os.path.join(folder, name + '.p')

def load_sm_covariances(

self, folder)

def load_sm_covariances(self, folder):
    for name, flh in self.fast_likelihoods.items():
        if self.fix_ckm:
            name = name + '_fix_ckm'
            name = name + '_' + self._ckm_scheme_name
        filename = os.path.join(folder, name + '.p')

def make_measurement(

self, *args, **kwargs)

Initialize the likelihood by producing a pseudo-measurement containing both experimental uncertainties as well as theory uncertainties stemming from nuisance parameters.

Optional parameters:

  • N: number of random computations for the SM covariance (computing time is proportional to it; more means less random fluctuations.)
  • Nexp: number of random computations for the experimental covariance. This is much less expensive than the theory covariance, so a large number can be afforded (default: 5000).
  • threads: number of parallel threads for the SM covariance computation. Defaults to 1 (no parallelization).
  • force: if True, will recompute SM covariance even if it already has been computed. Defaults to False.
  • force_exp: if True, will recompute experimental central values and covariance even if they have already been computed. Defaults to False.
def make_measurement(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """Initialize the likelihood by producing a pseudo-measurement containing both
    experimental uncertainties as well as theory uncertainties stemming
    from nuisance parameters.
    Optional parameters:
    - `N`: number of random computations for the SM covariance (computing
      time is proportional to it; more means less random fluctuations.)
    - `Nexp`: number of random computations for the experimental covariance.
      This is much less expensive than the theory covariance, so a large
      number can be afforded (default: 5000).
    - `threads`: number of parallel threads for the SM
      covariance computation. Defaults to 1 (no parallelization).
    - `force`: if True, will recompute SM covariance even if it
      already has been computed. Defaults to False.
    - `force_exp`: if True, will recompute experimental central values and
      covariance even if they have already been computed. Defaults to False.
    if 'Nexp' not in kwargs:
        kwargs['Nexp'] = self._Nexp
    for name, flh in self.fast_likelihoods.items():
        flh.make_measurement(*args, **kwargs)
    self._sm_cov_loaded = True

def number_observations_dict(

self, exclude_observables=None)

Get a dictionary of the number of "observations" for each sublikelihood.

Here, an "observation" is defined as an individual measurment of an observable. Thus, the number of observations is always

= the number of observables.

def number_observations_dict(self, exclude_observables=None):
    """Get a dictionary of the number of "observations" for each
    Here, an "observation" is defined as an individual measurment
    of an observable. Thus, the number of observations is always
    >= the number of observables.
    nobs_dict = {}
    for name, flh in self.fast_likelihoods.items():
        nobs_dict[name] = len(set(flh.observables) - set(exclude_observables or []))
    for name, lh in self.likelihoods.items():
        ml =  lh.measurement_likelihood
        nobs_dict[name] = ml.get_number_observations(
    for name, clh in self.custom_likelihoods.items():
        nobs_dict[name] = clh.get_number_observations()
    nobs_dict['global'] = sum([v for k, v in nobs_dict.items() if 'custom_' not in k])
    return nobs_dict

def plot_data_2d(

self, wc_fct, scale, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, x_log=False, y_log=False, steps=20, threads=1, pool=None)

Compute the likelihood on a grid of two non-zero Wilson coefficients.

This method is meant for producing contour plots with flavio.plots and matplotlib in the plane of two Wilson coefficients.


  • wc_fct: function with two arguments x and y returning a dictionary with Wilson coefficients
  • scale: either a function with two arguments x and y returning the renormalization scale in GeV, or a numerical value fixing the scale
  • x_min: minimum value of Wilson coefficient on x axis
  • x_max: maximum value of Wilson coefficient on x axis
  • y_min: minimum value of Wilson coefficient on y axis
  • y_max: maximum value of Wilson coefficient on y axis
  • x_log: boolean specifying whether logspace should be used for x values (default: False)
  • y_log: boolean specifying whether logspace should be used for y values (default: False)
  • steps: number of steps in each direction. The computing time scales with the square of this number. (default: 20)
  • threads: number of threads for parallel computation (default: 1)
  • pool: either None or pool object for parallel computation. If pool object is provided, threads is ignored. (default: None)


A dictionary of the form {'likelihood_A': dat_A, 'likelihood_B': dat_B, ...} where 'likelihood_A' etc. are the names of the sub- and custom likelihoods (as return by GlobalLikelihoodPoint.log_likelihood_dict) and dat_A etc. are dictionaries with the keys x, y, z, that can be directly fed to the flavio.plots.contour plot function.

def plot_data_2d(self,
                 x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max,
                 x_log=False, y_log=False,
    """Compute the likelihood on a grid of two non-zero Wilson coefficients.
    This method is meant for producing contour plots with `flavio.plots`
    and `matplotlib` in the plane of two Wilson coefficients.
    - `wc_fct`: function with two arguments x and y returning a dictionary
                with Wilson coefficients
    - `scale`: either a function with two arguments x and y returning the
               renormalization scale in GeV, or a numerical value fixing the
    - `x_min`: minimum value of Wilson coefficient on x axis
    - `x_max`: maximum value of Wilson coefficient on x axis
    - `y_min`: minimum value of Wilson coefficient on y axis
    - `y_max`: maximum value of Wilson coefficient on y axis
    - `x_log`: boolean specifying whether logspace should be used for x
               values (default: False)
    - `y_log`: boolean specifying whether logspace should be used for y
               values (default: False)
    - `steps`: number of steps in each direction. The computing time scales
               with the square of this number. (default: 20)
    - `threads`: number of threads for parallel computation (default: 1)
    - `pool`: either `None` or `pool` object for parallel computation. If
              `pool` object is provided, `threads` is ignored.
              (default: None)
    A dictionary of the  form
    `{'likelihood_A': dat_A, 'likelihood_B': dat_B, ...}`
    where `'likelihood_A'` etc. are the names of the sub- and custom
    likelihoods (as return by `GlobalLikelihoodPoint.log_likelihood_dict`)
    and `dat_A` etc. are dictionaries with the keys `x`, `y`, `z`, that
    can be directly fed to the `flavio.plots.contour` plot function.
    if x_log:
        _x = np.logspace(x_min, x_max, steps)
        _x = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, steps)
    if y_log:
        _y = np.logspace(y_min, y_max, steps)
        _y = np.linspace(y_min, y_max, steps)
    x, y = np.meshgrid(_x, _y)
    xy = np.array([x, y]).reshape(2, steps**2).T
    xy_enumerated = list(enumerate(xy))
    if isinstance(scale,Number):
        scale_fct = partial(_scale_fct_fixed, scale=scale)
        scale_fct = scale
    ll = partial(_log_likelihood_2d, gl=self, wc_fct=wc_fct, scale_fct=scale_fct)
    ll_dict_list_enumerated = multithreading_map(ll, xy_enumerated,
        threads=threads, pool=pool)
    ll_dict_list = [
        ll_dict[1] for ll_dict in
        sorted(ll_dict_list_enumerated, key=itemgetter(0))
    plotdata = {}
    keys = ll_dict_list[0].keys()  # look at first dict to fix keys
    for k in keys:
        z = -2 * np.array([ll_dict[k] for ll_dict in ll_dict_list]).reshape((steps, steps))
        plotdata[k] = {'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z}
    return plotdata

def save_exp_covariances(

self, folder)

def save_exp_covariances(self, folder):
    for name, flh in self.fast_likelihoods.items():
        filename = os.path.join(folder, name + '.p')

def save_sm_covariances(

self, folder)

def save_sm_covariances(self, folder):
    for name, flh in self.fast_likelihoods.items():
        if self.fix_ckm:
            name = name + '_fix_ckm'
            name = name + '_' + self._ckm_scheme_name
        filename = os.path.join(folder, name + '.p')

Instance variables

var basis

var custom_likelihoods

var eft

var fast_likelihoods

var fix_ckm

var likelihoods

var log_likelihood_sm

var observables

var obstable_sm

var par_dict_default

var par_dict_sm

Return the dictionary of parameters where the four CKM parameters Vus, Vcb, Vub, delta have been replaced by their "true" values extracted assuming the SM. They should be almost (but not exactly) equal to the default flavio CKM parameters.

Note that if fix_ckm is set to True, this method actually returns the default parameter values.

class GlobalLikelihoodPoint

Class representing the properties of the likelihood function at a specific point in parameter space.


  • log_likelihood_dict: dictionary with individual contributions to the log-likelihood
  • value: Return the numerical values of the global log-likelihood compared to the SM value (can also be acessed with float(self))


  • get_obstable: return a pandas data frame with the values and pulls for each individual observable, given the Wilson coefficients
class GlobalLikelihoodPoint(object):
    """Class representing the properties of the likelihood function at a
    specific point in parameter space.


    - `log_likelihood_dict`: dictionary with individual contributions
    to the log-likelihood
    - `value`: Return the numerical values of the global log-likelihood
    compared to the SM value (can also be acessed with `float(self)`)


    - `get_obstable`: return a pandas data frame with the values and pulls
    for each individual observable, given the Wilson coefficients

    def __init__(self, likelihood, w,
        """Initialize the `GlobalLikelihoodPoint` instance.

        - likelihood: an instance of `GlobalLikelihood`
        - w: an instance of `wilson.Wilson`
        - fix_ckm: If False (default), automatically determine the CKM elements
          in the presence of new physics in processes used to determine these
          elements in the SM. If set to True, the CKM elements are fixed to
          their SM values, which can lead to inconsistent results, but also
          to a significant speedup in specific cases.
        self.likelihood = likelihood
        self.w_input = w
        self.fix_ckm = fix_ckm
        self._w = None
        self._obstable_tree_cache = None
        self._log_likelihood_dict = None
        self._par_dict_np = None

    def w(self):
        if self._w is None:
            w = self.w_input
            opt = w.get_option('parameters')
            par = self.par_dict_np
            for p in ['Vus', 'Vcb', 'Vub', 'delta']:
                opt[p] = par[p]
            w.set_option('parameters', opt)
            self._w = w
        return self._w

    def get_ckm_np(self):
        """return the values of the four "true" CKM parameters
        `Vus`, `Vcb`, `Vub`, `delta`, extracted from the four input observables
        for this parameter point in Wilson coefficient space."""
        scheme = self.likelihood._ckm_scheme
            Vus, Vcb, Vub, delta = scheme.ckm_np(self.w_input)
        except ValueError:
            # this happens mostly when the formulas result in |cos(delta)| > 1
            raise ValueError("The extraction of CKM elements failed. Too large NP effects?")
        return {'Vus': Vus, 'Vcb': Vcb, 'Vub': Vub, 'delta': delta}

    def par_dict_np(self):
        """Return the dictionary of parameters where the four CKM parameters
        `Vus`, `Vcb`, `Vub`, `delta` have been replaced by their
        "true" values as extracted from the four input observables.

        Note that if `fix_ckm` is set to `True`, this method actually
        returns the SM values."""
        if self.fix_ckm:
            return self.likelihood.par_dict_sm
        if self._par_dict_np is None:
            par_dict_np = self.likelihood.par_dict_default.copy()
            self._par_dict_np = par_dict_np
        return self._par_dict_np

    def _delta_log_likelihood(self):
        """Compute the delta log likelihood for the individual likelihoods"""
        ll = self.likelihood._log_likelihood(self.par_dict_np, self.w)
        for name in ll:
            ll[name] -= self.likelihood.log_likelihood_sm[name]
        ll['global'] = sum([v for k, v in ll.items() if 'custom_' not in k])
        return ll

    def log_likelihood_dict(self):
        """Return a dictionary with the delta log likelihood values
        for the individual contributions.

        Cached after the first call."""
        if self._log_likelihood_dict is None:
            self._log_likelihood_dict = self._delta_log_likelihood()
        return self._log_likelihood_dict

    def log_likelihood_global(self):
        """Return the value of the global delta log likelihood.

        Cached after the first call. Corresponds to the `global` key of
        the dictionary returned by `log_likelihood_dict`."""
        return self.log_likelihood_dict()['global']

    def pvalue_dict(self, n_par=0):
        r"""Dictionary of $p$ values of sublikelihoods given the number `n_par`
        of free parameters (default 0)."""
        nobs = self.likelihood.number_observations_dict()
        chi2 = self.chi2_dict()
        return {k: pvalue(chi2[k], dof=max(1, nobs[k] - n_par)) for k in chi2}

    def chi2_dict(self):
        r"""Dictionary of total $\chi^2$ values of each sublikelihood.

        $$\chi^2 = -2 (\ln L + \ln L_\text{SM})$$
        ll = self.log_likelihood_dict()
        llsm = self.likelihood._log_likelihood_sm.copy()
        llsm['global'] = sum([v for k, v in llsm.items() if 'custom_' not in k])
        return {k: -2 * (ll[k] + llsm[k]) for k in ll}

    def _obstable_tree(self):
        if not self._obstable_tree_cache:
            llh = self.likelihood
            info = copy(llh.obstable_sm)
            for flh_name, flh in llh.fast_likelihoods.items():
                # loop over fast likelihoods: they only have a single "measurement"
                m = flh.pseudo_measurement
                ml = flh.full_measurement_likelihood
                pred = ml.get_predictions_par(self.par_dict_np, self.w)
                for i, obs in enumerate(flh.observables):
                    info[obs]['theory'] = pred[obs]
                    ll_central = info[obs]['ll_central']
                    ll_sm = info[obs]['ll_sm']
                    ll = m.get_logprobability_single(obs, pred[obs])
                    # DeltaChi2 is -2*DeltaLogLikelihood
                    info[obs]['pull exp.'] = pull(-2 * (ll - ll_central), dof=1)
                    s = -1 if ll > ll_sm else 1
                    info[obs]['pull SM'] = s * pull(-2 * (ll - ll_sm), dof=1)
            for lh_name, lh in llh.likelihoods.items():
                # loop over "normal" likelihoods
                ml = lh.measurement_likelihood
                pred = ml.get_predictions_par(self.par_dict_np, self.w)
                for i, obs in enumerate(lh.observables):
                    info[obs]['theory'] = pred[obs]
                    ll_central = info[obs]['ll_central']
                    ll_sm = info[obs]['ll_sm']
                    p_comb = info[obs]['exp. PDF']
                    ll = p_comb.logpdf([pred[obs]])
                    if ll == -np.inf:
                        ll = -1e100
                    info[obs]['pull exp.'] = pull(-2 * (ll - ll_central), dof=1)
                    s = -1 if ll > ll_sm else 1
                    info[obs]['pull SM'] = s * pull(-2 * (ll - ll_sm), dof=1)
            self._obstable_tree_cache = info
        return self._obstable_tree_cache

    def obstable(self, min_pull_exp=0, sort_by='pull exp.', ascending=None,
                 min_val=None, max_val=None):
        r"""Return a pandas data frame with the central values and uncertainties
        as well as the pulls with respect to the experimental and the SM values for each observable.

        The pull is defined is $\sqrt(|-2\ln L|)$. Note that the global
        likelihood is *not* simply proportional to the sum of squared pulls
        due to correlations.
        sort_keys = ['name', 'exp. unc.', 'experiment', 'pull SM', 'pull exp.',
                     'th. unc.', 'theory']
        if sort_by not in sort_keys:
            raise ValueError(
                "'{}' is not an allowed value for sort_by. Allowed values are "
                "'{}', and '{}'.".format(sort_by, "', '".join(sort_keys[:-1]),
        info = self._obstable_tree
        subset = None
        if sort_by == 'pull exp.':
            # if sorted by pull exp., use descending order as default
            if ascending is None:
                ascending = False
            if min_val is not None:
                min_val = max(min_pull_exp, min_val)
                min_val = min_pull_exp
        elif min_pull_exp != 0:
            subset = lambda row: row['pull exp.'] >= min_pull_exp
        # if sorted not by pull exp., use ascending order as default
        if ascending is None:
            ascending = True
        info = self._obstable_filter_sort(info, sortkey=sort_by,
                                          min_val=min_val, max_val=max_val,
        # create DataFrame
        df = pd.DataFrame(info).T
        # if df has length 0 (e.g. if min_pull is very large) there are no
        # columns that could be removed
        if len(df) >0:
            # remove columns that are only used internal and should not be
            # included in obstable
            del(df['exp. PDF'])
        return df

    def _obstable_filter_sort(info, sortkey='name', ascending=True,
                              min_val=None, max_val=None,
                              subset=None, max_rows=None):
        # impose min_val and max_val
        if min_val is not None:
            info = {obs:row for obs,row in info.items()
                    if row[sortkey] >= min_val}
        if max_val is not None:
            info = {obs:row for obs,row in info.items()
                    if row[sortkey] <= max_val}
        # get only subset:
        if subset is not None:
            info = {obs:row for obs,row in info.items() if subset(row)}
        # sort
        info = OrderedDict(sorted(info.items(), key=lambda x: x[1][sortkey],
                                  reverse=(not ascending)))
        # restrict number of rows per tabular to max_rows
        if max_rows is None or len(info)<=max_rows:
            return info
            info_list = []
            for n in range(ceil(len(info)/max_rows)):
                info_n = OrderedDict((obs,row)
                                    for i,(obs,row) in enumerate(info.items())
                                    if i>=n*max_rows and i<(n+1)*max_rows)
            return info_list

Ancestors (in MRO)

Static methods

def __init__(

self, likelihood, w, fix_ckm=False)

Initialize the GlobalLikelihoodPoint instance.

Parameters: - likelihood: an instance of GlobalLikelihood - w: an instance of wilson.Wilson - fix_ckm: If False (default), automatically determine the CKM elements in the presence of new physics in processes used to determine these elements in the SM. If set to True, the CKM elements are fixed to their SM values, which can lead to inconsistent results, but also to a significant speedup in specific cases.

def __init__(self, likelihood, w,
    """Initialize the `GlobalLikelihoodPoint` instance.
    - likelihood: an instance of `GlobalLikelihood`
    - w: an instance of `wilson.Wilson`
    - fix_ckm: If False (default), automatically determine the CKM elements
      in the presence of new physics in processes used to determine these
      elements in the SM. If set to True, the CKM elements are fixed to
      their SM values, which can lead to inconsistent results, but also
      to a significant speedup in specific cases.
    self.likelihood = likelihood
    self.w_input = w
    self.fix_ckm = fix_ckm
    self._w = None
    self._obstable_tree_cache = None
    self._log_likelihood_dict = None
    self._par_dict_np = None

def chi2_dict(


Dictionary of total $\chi^2$ values of each sublikelihood.

$$\chi^2 = -2 (\ln L + \ln L_\text{SM})$$

def chi2_dict(self):
    r"""Dictionary of total $\chi^2$ values of each sublikelihood.
    $$\chi^2 = -2 (\ln L + \ln L_\text{SM})$$
    ll = self.log_likelihood_dict()
    llsm = self.likelihood._log_likelihood_sm.copy()
    llsm['global'] = sum([v for k, v in llsm.items() if 'custom_' not in k])
    return {k: -2 * (ll[k] + llsm[k]) for k in ll}

def get_ckm_np(


return the values of the four "true" CKM parameters Vus, Vcb, Vub, delta, extracted from the four input observables for this parameter point in Wilson coefficient space.

def get_ckm_np(self):
    """return the values of the four "true" CKM parameters
    `Vus`, `Vcb`, `Vub`, `delta`, extracted from the four input observables
    for this parameter point in Wilson coefficient space."""
    scheme = self.likelihood._ckm_scheme
        Vus, Vcb, Vub, delta = scheme.ckm_np(self.w_input)
    except ValueError:
        # this happens mostly when the formulas result in |cos(delta)| > 1
        raise ValueError("The extraction of CKM elements failed. Too large NP effects?")
    return {'Vus': Vus, 'Vcb': Vcb, 'Vub': Vub, 'delta': delta}

def log_likelihood_dict(


Return a dictionary with the delta log likelihood values for the individual contributions.

Cached after the first call.

def log_likelihood_dict(self):
    """Return a dictionary with the delta log likelihood values
    for the individual contributions.
    Cached after the first call."""
    if self._log_likelihood_dict is None:
        self._log_likelihood_dict = self._delta_log_likelihood()
    return self._log_likelihood_dict

def log_likelihood_global(


Return the value of the global delta log likelihood.

Cached after the first call. Corresponds to the global key of the dictionary returned by log_likelihood_dict.

def log_likelihood_global(self):
    """Return the value of the global delta log likelihood.
    Cached after the first call. Corresponds to the `global` key of
    the dictionary returned by `log_likelihood_dict`."""
    return self.log_likelihood_dict()['global']

def obstable(

self, min_pull_exp=0, sort_by='pull exp.', ascending=None, min_val=None, max_val=None)

Return a pandas data frame with the central values and uncertainties as well as the pulls with respect to the experimental and the SM values for each observable.

The pull is defined is $\sqrt(|-2\ln L|)$. Note that the global likelihood is not simply proportional to the sum of squared pulls due to correlations.

def obstable(self, min_pull_exp=0, sort_by='pull exp.', ascending=None,
             min_val=None, max_val=None):
    r"""Return a pandas data frame with the central values and uncertainties
    as well as the pulls with respect to the experimental and the SM values for each observable.
    The pull is defined is $\sqrt(|-2\ln L|)$. Note that the global
    likelihood is *not* simply proportional to the sum of squared pulls
    due to correlations.
    sort_keys = ['name', 'exp. unc.', 'experiment', 'pull SM', 'pull exp.',
                 'th. unc.', 'theory']
    if sort_by not in sort_keys:
        raise ValueError(
            "'{}' is not an allowed value for sort_by. Allowed values are "
            "'{}', and '{}'.".format(sort_by, "', '".join(sort_keys[:-1]),
    info = self._obstable_tree
    subset = None
    if sort_by == 'pull exp.':
        # if sorted by pull exp., use descending order as default
        if ascending is None:
            ascending = False
        if min_val is not None:
            min_val = max(min_pull_exp, min_val)
            min_val = min_pull_exp
    elif min_pull_exp != 0:
        subset = lambda row: row['pull exp.'] >= min_pull_exp
    # if sorted not by pull exp., use ascending order as default
    if ascending is None:
        ascending = True
    info = self._obstable_filter_sort(info, sortkey=sort_by,
                                      min_val=min_val, max_val=max_val,
    # create DataFrame
    df = pd.DataFrame(info).T
    # if df has length 0 (e.g. if min_pull is very large) there are no
    # columns that could be removed
    if len(df) >0:
        # remove columns that are only used internal and should not be
        # included in obstable
        del(df['exp. PDF'])
    return df

def pvalue_dict(

self, n_par=0)

Dictionary of $p$ values of sublikelihoods given the number n_par of free parameters (default 0).

def pvalue_dict(self, n_par=0):
    r"""Dictionary of $p$ values of sublikelihoods given the number `n_par`
    of free parameters (default 0)."""
    nobs = self.likelihood.number_observations_dict()
    chi2 = self.chi2_dict()
    return {k: pvalue(chi2[k], dof=max(1, nobs[k] - n_par)) for k in chi2}

Instance variables

var fix_ckm

var likelihood

var par_dict_np

Return the dictionary of parameters where the four CKM parameters Vus, Vcb, Vub, delta have been replaced by their "true" values as extracted from the four input observables.

Note that if fix_ckm is set to True, this method actually returns the SM values.

var w

var w_input